On 01/08/2013 11:38 AM, Alex Leonhardt wrote:
thanks, yep noticed it has a negative value -

Amador, does that mean the host is overcommitting by 18 G of avail physical memory although 20 G of phys memory is still free ?

memAvailable maps the worst case to the Host.
It means: considering your current state, to assure the "Physical Memory Guaranteed" for all running VMs, you need 18GB of additional RAM. This is the consequence of enabling overcommit policy.

memAvailable = FREE_OR_CACHED + RESIDENT - memCommitted - Host Reserved Memory

 FREE_OR_CACHED: from /proc/meminfo
RESIDENT: RSS value (2nd. field in /proc/<PID>/statm) from all running VMs processes. memCommitted --> Physical Memory Guaranteed + Guest Overhead (default 65MB) from running VMs.

*Notice that memAvailable does not considers KSM work.


2013/1/7 Amador Pahim <apa...@redhat.com <mailto:apa...@redhat.com>>

    On 01/07/2013 06:18 AM, Alex Leonhardt wrote:

    just seen a memory usage warning in oVirt's Admin Interface
    saying the available memory is below threshold of 1024MB -
    however - when I checked the host, it had still 20GB left ?

    See screenshot.


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    The message is happening due to "memAvailable" statistic coming from vdsm. 
The memAvailable field can be negative and considers a set of values from different 
sources to compose its result (free memory, cached memory, resident set size from qemu 
processes, committed memory from running vms and host reserved memory

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