
I'm still working on my Nagios integration plugin and came across a
limitation of the UI plugin framework caused by iframes.

UI framework creates an iframe for each plugin, so the plugin code is
separated from the main oVirt webadmin code (and other plugins). When
creating a new (big) jQuery dialog in an sub tab-iframe (sub tab of
selected vm or host) it can't be displayed without scrolling in the sub
tab or resizing the sub tab (that's clear as it's displayed in an too
small iframe).

So it would be great if it would be possible to display dialogs in the
middle of the main windows and overlap the iframe (don't know if this is
possible). In short terms I want to create a dialog which behaves like
e.g. the "Setup Host Networks" or "Add Permission to User" dialogs ->
click on a link in the plugin iframe and dialog opens in the middle of
the website not the middle of the iframe.

What I found out so far is that:
1. I must be aware of the same origin policy (that's no problem)
2. I need to put my jQuery-dialog-code in the main oVirt windows and
then I can call it from within the iframe (that's my problem)

So my questions are:
Is it possible to place code outside of the iframe?
If not - are there plans to allow this in future releases?
Or maybe is there a workaround?

Thanks a lot,

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