Hi Adrian,

> 5. Everything should be a plugin.

I see your point, we can consider this later on, for now there are some gaps we 
need to close with API/infrastructure.

> Maybe an standard way of saving plugin logs through standard ovirt-engine 
> logs and specific plugin logs.

You mean API for plugins to log messages so that WebAdmin can collect/send them 
to Engine?

(Client-side logging in WebAdmin is disabled in production mode, in long-term 
we'll implement support for collecting client-side logs via HTML5 local 
storage, and sending them to Engine so that they can be stored in JBoss log 

> Is there any wiki page about this UI-plugin framework so that I can add a New 
> ideas or new features requests page link there and add these same ideas?

Wiki page: http://www.ovirt.org/Features/UIPlugins
Discussion page: http://www.ovirt.org/Talk:Features/UIPlugins

You can also request new features on engine-devel mailing list (I highly 
recommend subscribing to that list, since all important UI Plugins updates take 
place on that list).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Gibanel" <adrian.giba...@btactic.com>
To: "ovirt-users" <users@ovirt.org>
Cc: "Oved Ourfalli" <ov...@redhat.com>, "Christopher Morrissey" 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 1:09:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Users] Community feedback on the new UI-plugin Framework

----- Mensaje original ----- 

> De: "Oved Ourfalli" <ov...@redhat.com>

> Hey all,

> We had an oVirt workshop this week, which included a few sessions
> about the new oVirt UI Plugin framework, including a Hackaton and a
> BOF session.

Was there finally any video recorded of this workshop?

> If you find the feedback above true, or you have other comments that
> weren't mentioned here, please share it with us!

5. Everything should be a plugin.

One trend among platform design is that everything should be a plugin.
I'm not sure how it will go with oVirt but the idea is that:

* Hosts tab
* Virtual machines tab
* GlusterFS volumes tab
* Disks tab

are each one of them a plugin.

You should remark that as a side-effect you win two things:
  * People can check how standard plugins (you could make them 
not-uninstallable and not-being-able-to-disable) to learn how to build their 
own plugins
  * Your plugin system would be better because it would need to be improved to 
support all the current default plugins capabilities

6. Plugin logs
Maybe an standard way of saving plugin logs through standard ovirt-engine logs 
and specific plugin logs.

7. Wiki Page
Is there any wiki page about this UI-plugin framework so that I can add a New 
ideas or new features requests page link there and add these same ideas?

I think that's all.

> Thank you,
> Oved

> P.S:
> I guess the slides will be uploaded sometime next week (I guess
> someone would have asked it soon... so now you have your answer :-)

I will, for sure, take a look at them.

Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 

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