Le 19/02/2013 17:31, Jonathan Horne a écrit :
[root@ovirtmgr home]# virt-v2v -i ova -osd
--network ovirtmgmt ws08-srv-3.ova

virt-v2v: Failed to connect to qemu:///system: libvirt error code: 38,
message: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No
such file or directory

Hi Jonathan,

According to my very recent experience, your issue seems related to the following points I'm reading in the virt-v2v help :

    -o method
        Specifies the output method. Supported output methods are:

            Create a libvirt guest. *-os* must specify a libvirt storage
            pool for the libvirt output method.

            Also see the *-oc* option.

            Create a guest on a RHEV 'Export' storage domain, which can
            later be imported into RHEV using the UI. *-os* must specify the
            location of a RHEV export storage domain for the RHEV output

        If no output type is specified, it defaults to libvirt.

    -oc URI
        Specifies the libvirt connection to use to create the converted
        guest. If omitted, this defaults to qemu:///system when virt-v2v
        runs as root, or qemu:///session when virt-v2v runs as a regular

If I understand it well, you don't specify any output method (-o option) so it defaults to libvirt output storage. And you don't specify any libvirt connection, and you're running it as root, so it defaults to qemu:///system and fails.

My recent successful migrations with virt-v2v were made without specifying "-oc" option, but with telling "-o rhev".


Nicolas Ecarnot
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