ons 2013-03-13 klockan 21:23 +0000 skrev Jonathan Horne:
I have a virtual machine with a 500GB thin-provisioned disk, and on it is about 
2GB of data.  Due to a pvmove operation I am running, the 500GB disk with 2GB 
of data is growing and growing and is currently 180GB in size, and im sure it 
will go all the way to the 500GB before it stops.

When this process is finished, is there a way to re-thin the disk back down to 
the proper size again?
I think this should do the trick; from inside the guest:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/foo/bar bs=1M
# rm /foo/bar

You "fill" the drive with zeroes and then deletes the file so there´s nothing 
left. Worth a try.


What about the export/import process?  Would that export it to the data size, 
not the block size?




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