Hi Maor,

I have 16 machines as hosts and 1 as engine. It's a lot of log to send. Looking at my messages log of SPM, I see this each 10 seconds:

Aug 6 11:52:06 darwin vdsm Storage.LVM WARNING lvm vgs failed: 5 [] [' Volume group "0226b818-59a6-41bc-8590-91f520aa7859" not found'] Aug 6 11:52:06 darwin vdsm Storage.StoragePool WARNING Could not get full domain information, it is probably unavailable#012Traceback (most recent call last):#012 File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/sp.py", line 1368, in getInfo#012 dom = sdCache.produce(item)#012 File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/sdc.py", line 93, in produce#012 dom = self._findDomain(sdUUID)#012 File "/usr/share/vdsm/storage/sdc.py", line 118, in _findDomain#012 raise se.StorageDomainDoesNotExist(sdUUID)#012StorageDomainDoesNotExist: Storage domain does not exist: (u'0226b818-59a6-41bc-8590-91f520aa7859',)

But I actually don't have any 0226b818-59a6-41bc-8590-91f520aa7859 storage domain. Doing a 'grep' in a database dump, I found this UUID in the log related with a export storage domain, that was removed one year ago!

So, from where SPM is getting this UUID and why it's trying to get information from it?


On 07/30/2013 04:25 AM, Maor Lipchuk wrote:
Hi Eduardo,
Can u please also add the engine log and the full VDSM log (if you have
other hosts then please add their vdsm.log as well)


On 07/29/2013 11:10 PM, Eduardo Ramos wrote:
Hi all!

My SPM has logging such a strange message on vdsm.log. I tries to get
information from a VG that doesn't exist. In fact, I don't know where it
got the id " 0226b818-59a6-41bc-8590-91f520aa7859". The log of vdsm can
be read here: http://pastebin.com/mZcSLzxi

Could anybody help me?


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