----- Original Message -----
| From: "Laszlo Hornyak" <lhorn...@redhat.com>
| To: "Andrew Lau" <and...@andrewklau.com>, "Noam Slomianko" 
| Cc: users@ovirt.org
| Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 10:53:19 AM
| Subject: Re: [Users] oVirt API Code 500 with Foreman
| Hi,
| Noam, looks like this is a bug in the free text comment, can you check it?
| I think this may be the issue. http://gerrit.ovirt.org/18061
| Thx,
| Laszlo
| ----- Original Message -----
| > From: "Andrew Lau" <and...@andrewklau.com>
| > To: users@ovirt.org
| > Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 8:35:03 AM
| > Subject: [Users] oVirt API Code 500 with Foreman
| > 
| > Hi,
| > 
| > Foreman guys say this is probably an oVirt side issue..
| > 
| > I was successfully able to hook up my foreman server to the oVirt
| > datacenter
| > using the compute resources section. It detected the available datacenters
| > and logged in fine. Logs showed code 200, I can view the VMs available,
| > power them on and shut them down from the foreman UI.
| > 
| > But when I go to hosts->New Host and select oVirt I get the error:
| > 
| > Error loading virtual machine information: Internal Server Error
| > 
| > Logs are showing:
| > 
| > Operation FAILED: statementcallback; bad sql grammar select * from (select
| > *
| > from vds groups view where ( vds group id in (select vds groups storage
| > domain.vds group id from vds groups storage domain left outer join storage
| > pool with storage domain on vds groups storage domain.storage pool
| > id=storage pool with storage domain.id where ( storage pool with storage
| > domain.name like '%dc_01%' or storage pool with storage domain.description
| > like '%dc_01%' or storage pool with storage domain.comment like '%dc_01%' )
| > )) order by name asc ) as t1 offset (1 -1) limit 100; nested exception is
| > org.postgresql.util.psqlexception: error: column storage pool with storage
| > domain.comment does not exist
| > position: 421
| > Rendered common/500.html.erb (5.2ms)
| > Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 150ms (Views: 6.0ms | ActiveRecord:
| > 0.3ms)
| > 
| > CentOS 6.4 - Foreman 1.2
| > CentOS 6.4 - oVirt 3.3 Nightly
| > 
| > Any suggestions?
| > 
| > Thanks,
| > Andrew.
| > 

A fix to it was just merged:

So you can re-build if you're working from sources,
or wait for the next build.

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