On 09/12/2013 08:16 PM, Joop wrote:
Itamar Heim <ih...@redhat.com> wrote:
On 09/12/2013 12:17 PM, noc wrote:
Is it possible to add an ovirt-guest-agent-1.0.8-el6.rpm to the ovirt
3.2 repository?
I'm asking because I tried the ovirt-guest-agent installation on a VM
slightly modifying the repo file to point to the 3.3 directory and
dependencies that were used were only from epel.



can you please clarify a bit more why you can't use the 3.3 repo?
One thing 3.3 isn't yet available and second I'm still on 3.2 and would like 
keep the amount of admin to a minimum.

i may got the versions wrong, but it sounds like you are asking to release the 3.3 version to 3.2 users?
(this is only for the guest, so doesn't affect the engine and hosts)

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