I noticed that too, I wasn't sure if it was a bug or just how I had setup
my NFS share..

There were three steps I did to remove the disk images, I'm sure there's a
100% easier solution..:

I found the easiest way (graphically) was go to your
https://ovirtengine/api/disks and so a search for the illegal disk. Append
the extra ID eg. <disk href="/api/disks/lk342-dfsdf...
into your URL this'll give you your image ID.

Go to your storage share:
cd /data/storage-id/master/vms/storage-id
grep -ir 'vmname' *
You'll find the image-id reference here too.

Then the image you will want to remove is in the
I assume you could safely remove this whole folder if you wanted to delete
the disk.

To remove the illegal state I did it through the API so again with the URL
above https://ovirtengine/disks/disk-id send a DELETE using HTTP/CURL

Again, this was a poor mans solution but it worked for me.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 4:04 AM, Dan Ferris

> Hi,
> I have another hopefully simple question.
> One VM that I am trying to remove says that it's disk state is "illegal"
> and when I try to remove the disk it says that it failed to initiate the
> removing of the disk.
> Is there an easy way to get rid of these illegal disk images?
> Dan
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