On 10/03/2013 02:29 AM, Christian Hernandez wrote:
 >> Since virt-viewer appears to be a linux-only tool, and VNC clients
from Windows or OS X do not recognize the file formats, opening a
console to a VM just became more cumbersome for not apparent >> benefit.
There should at least be an option for those that don't use virt-viewer
to still get the popup.


Maybe this is just a ploy to get everyone to use Spice?

...if that's the case; when are we going to get Spice plugin for Mac OSX?

to answer both.
1. its not a ploy, its actually to solve the problem for platforms without plugins for spice or vnc (no platform has a plugin for vnc).

2. virt-viewer supports both windows and linux

i remember there is a client for mac as well actually, i suggest asking on:

3. you can write a small wrapper script and associate it with the .vv file (hopefully, someone will do this and attach an example for others).
this will work for both vnc of your choice and spice on any platform


Thank you,

Christian Hernandez
1225 Los Angeles Street
Glendale, CA 91204
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On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 4:20 PM, Haoyang Haven Liu <haven....@ucla.edu
<mailto:haven....@ucla.edu>> wrote:

    The replacement of VNC popup with a .vv file download seems like a
    (or several) step backward. Since virt-viewer appears to be a
    linux-only tool, and VNC clients from Windows or OS X do not
    recognize the file formats, opening a console to a VM just became
    more cumbersome for not apparent benefit. There should at least be
    an option for those that don't use virt-viewer to still get the popup.


    On Sep 30, 2013, at 2:08 AM, Frantisek Kobzik <fkob...@redhat.com
    <mailto:fkob...@redhat.com>> wrote:

     > Hello Nick,
     > concerning the 3rd screenshot - that was a bug in oVirt, but the
    fix has been already merged.
     > About the VNC popup - indeed, it has been removed. The only way
    to get the VNC connection information is using 'Native' mode in
    Console options dialog and then open incoming .vv file (e.g. using
    text editor, script...). I suppose the virt-viewer association with
    .vv file must be turned off (otherwise virt-viewer will pop up
     > Regards,
     > Frank.
     > ----- Original Message -----
     > From: "Nicholas Kesick" <cybertimber2...@hotmail.com
     > To: "oVirt Mailing List" <users@ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org>>
     > Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 11:09:14 PM
     > Subject: [Users] Understanding Console Options
     > I'm trying to understand the various console options for a wiki
    page. Can someone make sure what I have in the attachments are right?
     > Also when a VM is set to Spice and I open Console Options (at
    least in IE 10 for me, need to test further), it opens to Remote
    Desktop. Are these active yet? I don't see RDP as an option under
    Edit > Console.
     > Finally, is there any way to get the VNC option that we had in
    oVirt 3.2 that would pop up with a port number and password to use
    with a local client?
     > - Nick
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