tis 2013-10-15 klockan 10:36 +0200 skrev Frank Wall:

Hi Malini,

On 14.10.2013 19:06, Malini Rao wrote:
> Here is a proposal for updating the ovirt look and feel to
> give it a fresh and modern look - http://www.ovirt.org/Ovirt_LAF.
> Your feedback and input is invited.

I think your proposal looks way better than the current
oVirt interface and I think it would definitively be an improvement.

Though I think the oVirt admin interface still looks somewhat
bloated. I always thought that it shows too much information
at once, but only few of these facts are actually useful.

Some columns are useless most of the time. This is especially true
if you consider the "Virtual Machines" tab just an overview, not an
in-depth view of all VMs. Lets discuss this further:

- Display: not interesting if I just want to see the overview
- Status: redundant, the icon in the first row already tells me about

Perhaps. But remember that "Shut down" and "Shutting down" actually have the 
same icon. If the status column gets ditched, the icons need to be more clear 
first, in my opinion.

- Uptime: not interesting at all, I never used this information for

We do. It´s really good information to have when you use a centralized updating 
system like forcing updates and reboots through puppet or WSUS. If you see that 
every VM has been rebooted after there should have been updates except one, you 
know that VM probably is in some kind of trouble.

- Host, IP, Cluster, Datacenter: Really, why should I care about these
   if I just want to see an overview of my VMs? If I want to know any of
   I can click on any VM and see every detail. Or I choose a specific
   or Cluster to see specific details about it.

I think this applies to almost every "overview" page in oVirt.
It's too much information at once, and even worse, too much useless

The point is to show only *really* important information first (status,
and from this point the user/admin should be able to go deeper and view

Remember, it's just my opinion :-)

- Frank
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