Hi Yedidyah,

On 17.09.2013 09:32, Yedidyah Bar David wrote:
What is required to enable guest-to-guest multicast communication
on an oVirt node?

Are they on the same virtual network/bridge?
Did you check iptables? You can add a rule to log such things and
see if it was iptables that blocked it (or something else). Check
both host and VMs.

yes, both guest interfaces are on the same virtual bridge:

mytestlan       8000.8000.000000000111  no              dummy_3

On the host side iptables is configured to log rejected packets:

-A INPUT -j LOG -m limit --limit 2/min --log-prefix "REJECT: " --log-level 4

But I've never seen any log message related to multicast traffic
while debugging this issue.

- Frank
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