On 10/17/2013 12:56 PM, Jason Brooks wrote:
On Thu, 2013-10-17 at 03:31 -0400, Itamar Heim wrote:
On 10/17/2013 12:02 AM, Jason Brooks wrote:

Hi All --

I'm finding myself sometimes in need of hacking at the oVirt DB -- has
anyone written a wiki page or something about this?

I'd be interested to know when you need to hack it, which in most normal
flows shouldn't be needed?

I was running oVirt 3.2 w/ POSIXFS storage and Gluster. After 3.3 came
out, I exported a few VMs, and imported them into a GlusterFS domain on
3.3. After lots of trouble w/ that domain type, I exported the VMs
again, blew away that GlusterFS data center, made a new POSIXFS data
center, and went to re-import them. oVirt told me no, there were already
disks in the system with these names, and I'd have to clone then

so sounds like a bug when you blew the DC the disks remained?
maybe this one (should be in 3.3.1, beta real-soon-now)
Bug 999048 - VM permissions entries remain in database after force deleting data-center

I went ahead and cloned, even though that's a bit less convenient, and
required some config file fiddling to deal with the changed MAC address,
but it's times like these when I feel a desire to crack the DB, if not
to change things, then to figure out what ovirt thinks is happening.



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