On 10/18/2013 12:57 PM, Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:
Le 18/10/2013 12:48, Mike Burns a écrit :
The oVirt Team is pleased to announce the availability of the
Update Release.  This release fixes a number of issues with the 3.3.0

As I have installed a 3.3 on Centos 6.4 on my manager and my nodes, how
safe is it to just run a yum update on everything and hope for the best?

Previous similar attempts went nightmarish on a 3.1 setup... should be a safe/small update.
3.3.1 is bigger update, hence it has a beta cycle for testing it.

please remember to also run ovirt-engine-setup to upgrade the engine on top of yun update.

(and if you can do this not over the weekend, will be easier to get help if something does go wrong)


The release includes updates to the following packages:


Information on the issues fixed is below.


The oVirt Team

A vdsm bug (BZ#1007980) made it impossible to migrate or re-run a VM
with a glusterfs-backed virtual disk if the VM was originally started
with an empty cdrom.

If you have encountered this bug, you would have to manually find the
affected VMs with

     psql -U engine -d engine -c "select distinct vm_name from
vm_static, vm_device where vm_guid=vm_id and device='cdrom' and address
ilike '%pci%';"

and remove their junk cdrom address with

     psql -U engine -d engine -c "update vm_device set address='' where
device='cdrom' and address ilike '%pci%';"

A vdsm bug introduced in a specific case of disk resize (raw on nfs)
accidentally wipes the content of the virtual disk.
The issue was masked on the master (and ovirt-3.3) branch by an unrelated
change that happened to fix the problem leaving only vdsm-4.12 affected.
It is of critical importance to update all your machines to the new vdsm

An engine-setup bug (BZ#1014115) made setup log the database-access
when upgrading from 3.2. If you've upgraded from an older release you
may want to
secure or delete existing setup log files in /var/log/ovirt-engine/setup/

An engine bug (BZ#1008938) caused VM failing to start running after
changing the interface of bootable disk in UI.

An engine bug (BZ#1017285) may have caused upcoming ovirt-3.3.1 nodes
and hosts
with vdsm >= 4.13.0 not to be accepted as hypervisors.
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