I've downloaded the 
ovirt-node-iso-3.0.3-1.1.vdsm.fc19.iso image and have tried installing it on 
two separate machines.
Whether I do a regular install (default boot screen option) or choose 
'reinstall' from the troubleshooting menu I get tripped up at the same spot.
When it comes time to select a keyboard layout (I think this is correct) US 
English is the default.  I press enter at that point and after a short delay 
there is a very uninformative error message that appears.  I can't remember 
what it is off the top of my head and the systems are at work (I'm at home now).
After this point I can continue but the install fails immediately after I get 
past the install target selection screen.
Has anyone successfully installed a node using this iso image?
I even tried removing partitions from the drive beforehand, to the point of 
dd'ing the first 512 bytes to make sure there was no partition table.
This didn't help - I still ran into the install error described above.

I particularly wanted to try an FC19 based node to try out live storage 
migration on NFS, as I was having problems with the EL6.4 node with this.
Is there a chance that that issue might be resolved for EL6 based nodes by an 
upcoming  new EL6.5 based node spin?

Sorry I cannot provide the exact error details for the install issue now, but I 
can get the error detail in the next couple of days if required.

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