Hey Simon,

It actually doesn't surprise me that it's related to the template,
because we had other issues that were template-related in this dialog.
However, I haven't been able to reproduce it myself when working from
the master branch. So either it got fixed between 3.3.1 and now, or I
just didn't try anything complex enough.

If you could find some consistent way to reproduce the bug (BTW, it's
definitely a bug and not by design), then we could determine whether it
has indeed been solved in the meantime. And if not, we'll make sure that
it's fixed.

Yours, Lior.

On 12/12/13 23:52, Simon Barrett wrote:
> Lior,
> I'm running 3.3.1.
> I think it may be related to how I created the VM's. Another VM created using 
> the blank template works fine and the network config displays correctly when 
> I click on edit. 
> The problem VM's were created with a different template. I'll dig a bit 
> further to see if I can narrow it down any further. 
> I don't have to click show advanced to exhibit the problem.
> Thanks for the response 
> Simon
>> On 12 Dec 2013, at 16:44, "Lior Vernia" <lver...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>> I apologize for the delay in my response. I've worked quite a bit on
>> that part of the dialog since oVirt 3.3, and while it was quite buggy I
>> haven't encountered this exact issue you're describing. It does remind
>> me of one bug though; could it be that pressing the "Show Advanced
>> Options" is what triggers the strange behavior?
>> What version of oVirt engine are you running? Both 3.3.1 and 3.3.2
>> should be quite stable as far as this dialog is concerned, so upgrading
>> might be a good idea.
>> As for workarounds, it sounds like a GUI issue so I don't think there's
>> anything you can do apart from upgrading the engine.
>> Yours, Lior.
>>> On 11/12/13 13:40, Simon Barrett wrote:
>>> I have a problem where VM network profiles are lost when editing a host.
>>> E.G.
>>> ·         VM is running fine on the correct network. Network Interfaces
>>> tab shows “nic1” and “Network Name” shows the correct network profile.
>>> ·         I shutdown the VM then right click and Edit.
>>> ·         The General settings for the node shows “nic1 <Empty>”. If I
>>> then edit config, something like increasing memory or changing CPU cores
>>> then click on OK, the VM configuration is saved without a network profile.
>>> ·         When I boot the VM I cannot connect to it.
>>> ·         I then have to edit the node again configure back in the
>>> correct network profile.
>>> Does anyone know if this is a known issue? If not, any suggestions as to
>>> how I correct this so that the original network profile definition is
>>> retained after an edit?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Simon
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