Am Dienstag, den 28.01.2014, 17:42 -0500 schrieb Antoni Segura Puimedon:
> We made some more tests with Francisco on #ovirt today and we saw that
> for some unknown reason, when rebooting the machine the
> ifcfg-<YOURNET>
> files disappear while the rule-<YOURNET> and route-<YOURNET> stay.
> That
> happens even when the both ifcfg, rule and route have the correct
> entry
> in /config/files and are bound to /config/etc/sysconfig/
> After reboot it returns to eth0 having the connectivity as it was
> defined
> with the TUI.
> For libvirt networks a bit of the same as for ifcfg files. Before
> reboot
> /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks is present in /config/files and findmnt
> reports
> that /etc/libvirt/qemu/networks is a bound mount
> of /config/etc/libvirt/qemu/networks.
> After reboot it is not the case anymore.
> @Fabian: Do you think there is something on the reboot that restores
> the
> network conf to the TUI settings?

Hey Antoni,

I vaguely remember that we had a problem with Node removing some ifcfg-*
files. But this should have been solved in the TestDay iso.

What ISO did you use to reproduce this problem?

- fabian

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