Thanks Sahina!!

The hosts are there as the volume. What is gone is the DC and mostly
everything else. I'll send you the logs, but due to the lack of time,
they are going to be the raw logs for several days as the force was last

On 31/01/14 09:35, Sahina Bose wrote:
> On 01/31/2014 04:49 PM, Juan Pablo Lorier wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm about to hack engine db to remove a gluster volume and I'd like
>> someone to advise me on this. The environment is in production, I've
>> backed up the db and I'm planning to remove every entry I can find of
>> the volume (host members, cluster, etc) but I found that there's no
>> clusters table (and I need to remove a cluster that no longer exists
>> after a force remove of the DC but somehow the volume still is attached
>> to it).
> delete from gluster_volume_bricks where volume_id = "..";
> delete from gluster_volume_options where volume_id = "..";
> delete from gluster_volume_transport_types where volume_id="..";
> delete from gluster_volume_access_protocols where volume_id="..";
> delete from gluster_volumes where id="..";
> The above would delete all gluster volume information stored in the db.
> Cluster information is stored in vds_groups table.
> You should have been able to remove the host using "Force" option.
> Didn't that work for you. I would be interested to see the logs if it
> did not.
> thanks
> sahina
>> I'll try IRC also to see if someone can give me a hand.
>> Regards,
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