On 01/31/2014 09:16 PM, Bob Doolittle wrote:
More mystery.

I xrandr -q my original display, and see it's 1920x1200.

I then "Full Screen" my F20 VM console, and in it I issue "xrandr -s

The result still looks fuzzy, and has black unused real estate on both
sides of the working console area.

I exit Full Screen, and in my small window "xrandr -q" still reports

It's clearly interpolating in ways I'm not expecting...


On 01/31/2014 03:06 PM, Bob Doolittle wrote:

When I select View/Full Screen on a VM running a Windows guest, the
display resolution automatically adjusts to fit the new canvas.

However, when I do this on a VM running Fedora 20, it doesn't. Nor do
I know how to query the new canvas size so that I can issue a manual
xrandr command to fit it (without doing an ssh into the system and
somehow finagling xwininfo to give me the size).

In the guest I am running spice-vdagent-0.15.0-1, and restarting it
has no effect. Shouldn't it be the one responsible for display


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