Follow up on my testing for test day 2 on beta 2.

1. "Reboot VM" functionality. 
The results was the same as the first test day. It was confirmed to me that the 
1 minute delay on the reboot was intentional for now. So all in all Green 
light on this feature.

2. Fix Control-Alt-Delete functionality in console options.
This is the one I had trouble with last time. As it turns out this feature is 
meant only for windows clients as Linux doesn't eat the ctrl-alt-del key from 
the viewer. So for the second test day I had a windows machine that I tested 
the feature with. Checking the check box added 'ctrl-alt-end' as a short-cut 
in the viewer to ctrl-alt-del. This worked as expected. Unchecking the 
checkbox removed the short-cut. So all in all Green light on this feature.

3. Show name of the template in General tab for a VM if the VM is deployed 
from template via clone allocation.
As before, the template name was properly shown when I created a new VM from 
the template. So all in all Green light on this feature.

As I had a lot of trouble getting my environment configured last time. I have 
to say this time around the process was a lot smoother. The only bump I had 
was when I forgot to add the correct repo on the first host and it installed an 
older version of VDSM than what was needed. Once I fixed the repo and updated 
everything worked correctly.


On Monday, January 27, 2014 11:02:22 AM Alexander Wels wrote:
> Hi, I tested the following items during the test day and here are my
> results:
> 1. "reboot VM" functionality
> The related feature page is:
> The feature page mentions a policy selection checkbox which I was unable to
> find in the web admin UI at all. I checked the patches that implement the
> feature and did not see the check box implementation. The patches did show
> me that all I need to use the feature was to install the guest agent on the
> guest. So for my test I installed a fedora guest, and I installed the guest
> agent on the guest. After about a minute after starting the guest, the
> reboot button was enabled and pressing it started the reboot sequence on
> the guest.
> I had a console open on the guest and it informed me that the admin had
> started the reboot process and the guest would be rebooted in a minute. I
> did not find a way to change the time it took for the reboot to happen.
> I did the same test with the REST api, with the same result. The reboot was
> scheduled for a minute after I issued the command. I did not find a way to
> change the time with the REST api either. I am guessing that is a future
> feature.
> 2. Fix Control-Alt-Delete functionality in console options
> I had trouble getting spice to work in my test setup, but no issues with
> VNC. So I tested VNC. I checked the VM console options to make sure that
> 'Map ctrl-alt-del shortcut to ctrl+alt+end' was checked. Then I connected
> to a running VM with VNC. I pressed ctrl-+alt+end expected it to issue a
> ctrl-alt-del to the guest. Nothing happened. I pressed ctrl-alt-del and it
> properly issued ctrl-alt-del to the guest. I made sure there was no issue
> with my client by using the menu to issue a ctrl-alt-del to the guest which
> also resulted in the proper action on the guest. I opened a bug for this:
> /[1]
> I did this test on my Fedora machine, and the description mentions that
> certain OSes capture the ctrl-alt-del before sending it to the guest,
> Fedora is not one of those OSes, so maybe my test was not valid?
> 3. Show name of the template in General tab for a VM if the VM is
> deployed from template via clone allocation.
> This is a very straight forward test. I created a template from a VM. I
> named the template. Then created a VM from that template using clone
> allocation. I verified that the name of the template is now properly shown
> in the VM general sub tab. Works as expected.
> Overall I had issues getting engine installed due to the shmmax issue
> reported in other threads, and then I had a really hard time adding new
> hosts from a blank fedora minimum install. I was successful one out of
> three attempts, which I feel was probably an yum repository issue as I was
> getting conflicting python-cpopen issues causing VDSM to not start.
> Thanks,
> Alexander
> --------
> [1]

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