So I've got a handful of oVirt nodes now, and most of them have over 100G of
unallocated disk space. I'm trying to figure out how to best take advantage
of that space. I see two possibilities: storage for oVirt, or
backup/archive storage.

I'm currently using a single NFS server for VM/iso/export storage (oVirt
3.3.x on CentOS, if it matters) and don't need to scale to hundreds of
nodes (probably 10-20, max). Is current gluster support stable enough for
production? What are the pros/cons of gluster vs NFS?  I like the idea of
not having a single point of failure but worry about performance.

The other option is to stick with my NFS server and use the extra storage
for archive/backup space. Here I'm looking for reliability (i.e. losing a
server won't cause data loss) over performance. Are there pros/cons to
gluster vs ceph? Will either/both peacefully co-exist with an ovirt node?

All suggestions welcomed. Thanks!


Senior Software Engineer @ Parsons

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