Il 10/02/2014 10:55, Yaniv Dary ha scritto:
Please check the dwh log for error and check the history database for data.
You should be able to select any datacenter you like. You can not select multiple datacenters.
Input controls should list all the living entities by default and you can click on the dropdown to get a list.  


I see no errors log in the log but I can view two  DIFFERENT DC in different reports (I have 4 different DC) as they get selected per default

Per example in Hosts Inventory I can only see a DC named "GlusterSD" while in many others (Active Virtual Machine by OS per example) I can only see Default DC selected as default

If I try to type anything in the "Data Center" filter field, every character gets suddenly deleted

If I click on the magnifier button nothing happens

The same happens in every other field in the input contolrols filter window

I have no idea about what to check to discover

I'm using Firefox 28 on Linux but the same happens with Chrome

Any idea anyone?

Thank you and best regards



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