Dear all,

I added a new host to our ovirt. Everything went good, exept in the
beginnen there was a problem with the firmware of the FibreCard but that is
solved (maybe relevant to the issue coming up ;-) ), host is green en up
now. But when I tried to migrate a machine for testing purpose to see if
everythin was ok, I get the following error in the engine.log and the
migration fails:

2014-02-27 08:33:08,082 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.MigrateVmCommand]
(pool-6-thread-49) [f1a68d8] Running command: MigrateVmCommand internal:
false. Entities affected :  ID: 3444fc9d-0395-4cbb-9a11-28a42802560c Type:
2014-02-27 08:33:08,362 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.MigrateVDSCommand] (pool-6-thread-49)
[f1a68d8] START, MigrateVDSCommand(HostName = soyuz, HostId =
vmId=3444fc9d-0395-4cbb-9a11-28a42802560c, srcHost=, dstVdsId=6707fa40-753a-4c95-9304-e47198477e4d,, migrationMethod=ONLINE,
tunnelMigration=false), log id: 50cd7284
2014-02-27 08:33:08,371 INFO
(pool-6-thread-49) [f1a68d8] VdsBroker::migrate::Entered
(vm_guid=3444fc9d-0395-4cbb-9a11-28a42802560c, srcHost=,,
2014-02-27 08:33:08,405 INFO
(pool-6-thread-49) [f1a68d8] START, MigrateBrokerVDSCommand(HostName =
soyuz, HostId = 6dfa2f9c-85c6-4fb3-b65f-c84620115a1a,
vmId=3444fc9d-0395-4cbb-9a11-28a42802560c, srcHost=, dstVdsId=6707fa40-753a-4c95-9304-e47198477e4d,, migrationMethod=ONLINE,
tunnelMigration=false), log id: 20806b79
2014-02-27 08:33:08,441 INFO
(pool-6-thread-49) [f1a68d8] FINISH, MigrateBrokerVDSCommand, log id:
2014-02-27 08:33:08,451 INFO
[org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.MigrateVDSCommand] (pool-6-thread-49)
[f1a68d8] FINISH, MigrateVDSCommand, return: MigratingFrom, log id: 50cd7284
2014-02-27 08:33:08,491 INFO
(pool-6-thread-49) [f1a68d8] Correlation ID: f1a68d8, Job ID:
c3642418-3f05-41eb-8b1d-07fe04867742, Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID:
-1, Message: Migration started (VM: ADW-DevSplunk, Source: soyuz,
Destination: buran, User: admin@internal).
2014-02-27 08:33:20,036 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-82) VM ADW-DevSplunk
3444fc9d-0395-4cbb-9a11-28a42802560c moved from MigratingFrom --> Up
2014-02-27 08:33:20,042 INFO
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-82) Adding VM
3444fc9d-0395-4cbb-9a11-28a42802560c to re-run list
2014-02-27 08:33:20,051 ERROR
(DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-82) Rerun vm
3444fc9d-0395-4cbb-9a11-28a42802560c. Called from vds soyuz
2014-02-27 08:33:20,107 INFO
(pool-6-thread-50) START, MigrateStatusVDSCommand(HostName = soyuz, HostId
= 6dfa2f9c-85c6-4fb3-b65f-c84620115a1a,
vmId=3444fc9d-0395-4cbb-9a11-28a42802560c), log id: 75ac0a46
2014-02-27 08:33:20,124 ERROR
(pool-6-thread-50) Failed in MigrateStatusVDS method
2014-02-27 08:33:20,130 ERROR
(pool-6-thread-50) Error code noConPeer and error message
VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to MigrateStatusVDS, error =
Could not connect to peer VDS
2014-02-27 08:33:20,136 INFO
(pool-6-thread-50) Command
org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.vdsbroker.MigrateStatusVDSCommand return
 StatusOnlyReturnForXmlRpc [mStatus=StatusForXmlRpc [mCode=10,
mMessage=Could not connect to peer VDS]]
2014-02-27 08:33:20,139 INFO
(pool-6-thread-50) HostName = soyuz
2014-02-27 08:33:20,145 ERROR
(pool-6-thread-50) Command MigrateStatusVDS execution failed. Exception:
VDSErrorException: VDSGenericException: VDSErrorException: Failed to
MigrateStatusVDS, error = Could not connect to peer VDS
2014-02-27 08:33:20,148 INFO
(pool-6-thread-50) FINISH, MigrateStatusVDSCommand, log id: 75ac0a46
2014-02-27 08:33:20,154 INFO
(pool-6-thread-50) Correlation ID: f1a68d8, Job ID:
c3642418-3f05-41eb-8b1d-07fe04867742, Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID:
-1, Message: Migration failed due to Error: Could not connect to peer host.
Trying to migrate to another Host (VM: ADW-DevSplunk, Source: soyuz,
Destination: buran).

Any Ideas?

Kind regards,

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