> From: "Jeremiah Jahn" <jerem...@goodinassociates.com>
> To: users@ovirt.org
> Sent: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 8:38:02 PM
> Subject: [Users] virt-manager migration

> Anyway, long story short. I'm having a difficult time finding documentation > on migrating from virt-manager to oVirt. As well as installing ovirt-nodes > manually. I'd love to find this perfect world where I can just install the > ovirt-node RPMs on my already running Hosts and begin to have them managed
> by the oVirt engine. Without and serious downtime.

The usual way is to go through virt-v2v. Essentially, you'd install the engine somewhere and configure a storage domain (the properties of which vary, but it's UUIDed and the UUID must match the engine) to bring the datacenter up, then add an export domain (which is also UUIDed).

Once an export domain is created, virt-v2v can move your VMs over, but with downtime.

As far as turning your existing hosts into nodes, adding them from the engine is the easiest way (there's a wizard for this). It's possible to install the ovirt-node RPMs directly, but they take over your system a bit, and it's probably not what you're looking for. The engine can manage regular EL6/fedora hosts.

But registering to the engine will reconfigure libvirt, so the general path is:

Install engine.
Live-migrate VMs off one of your hosts.
Add that host as a node.
virt-v2v machines than can take downtime (can you get a maintenance window)?
Bring them up on the new node.
Repeat until your environment is converted.
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