I also am running 2008 R2, and the guest agent is working fine. I just
mounted the new pre-release tools iso and ran the installer. I did have to
change the service to start automatically but filed a bug on that.


Good luck!

Hello Everyone,

I am having difficulties getting the oVirt Windows Guest Agent to work with
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. We are currently running oVirt 3.4.2. I have
used the instructions from
http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Guest_Agent_For_Windows. As a side note I do
have it working on Windows Server 2012 R2.

   - I have installed the Virtio serial drivers from the
   - For troubleshooting purposes I later tried the drivers from the
   - Installed python 2.7.3, Python for Windows extensions, py2exe
   - Compiled and copied the two exe files to C:\Program Files\Guest
   Agents\oVirt Guest Agent\
   - The two files sha1 hash is:


   - Removed all except the top three # symbols from the
   ovirt-guest-agent.ini file and then copied it to the directory stated above
   - The sha1 hash for this file is:

   - Installed the service. It shows up in services.msc.
   - Configure the service to auto start.
   - Try to start the service. This is where the problem exist. When I try
   to start the service I get an error. The error code in Event Viewer within
   Windows is Event 10.

Under the general tab is states "The description for Event ID 10 from
source OVirtGuestService cannot be found. Either the component that raises
this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is
corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer."

I have tried to remove the service and re-install with no luck. Any
suggestions? Thanks!

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