On 04/07/14 12:07, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:
Hello People:

I am trying to remove a host from ovirt-engine but I have found that a orphaned record in the engine DB prevents the removal of the host.
The host is in maintenance mode, it doesn't have vm's running on it.
The engine logs says that there is a reference to the id of the host
(vds_id in the table vds_static) in the field "migrating_to_vds" in the table "dynamic_vds". Obviously this is a orphaned record, but a constraint in the table "dynamic_vds" prevents the removal of the host.
How can I solve this?
Someone that knows the internals of engine's DB that can confirm if I can remove the problematic registry in order to remove the host?? Another solution?

I really need to remove this host. Please help and

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Well, I solved the problem of host removal, some of reverse engineering over the DB structure and I can solve the problem.

For any reason that I don't know, I migrated a vm from a host to other host in the cluster, but in the table vm_dynamic that apparently contains the dynamic values of vm's, the field "migrating_to_vds" was not updated and still held the id of the vds (node, hypervisor, host, etc.) which was migrated from. Same host that I had put in maintenance in order to remove it.

I guess that the right behaviour is update the "migrating_to_vds" field with the vm_guid of the vds (node, hypervisor) to which the vm is being migrated. But, I don't know what was wrong when the vm was migrated and therefore the value was not updated.

Simply I took the vds id from the error in engine.log, searched in the vd_dynamic table a row with this value in the field "migrating_to_vds" then I retrieved from the same row the value of the vm id from the field "vm_guid", then I searched in the table "vd_static" the name of the vm with such vm_guid. Then from the engine interface I migrated again this vm and the value in the field "migrating_to_vds" was correctly updated with the guid of the destination host. Then, the engine doesn't complaint anymore and I could remove the host.

The question is, why did not the migration update the value of "migrating_to_vds" field in the table vm_dynamic or did incorrectly update it??

Sorry if you don't understand all above, I don't write very well in English, and it is a bit painful to try to explain this situation in other language..!


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