----- Original Message -----
> From: "santosh" <sba...@commvault.com>
> To: users@ovirt.org
> Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 7:34:02 PM
> Subject: [ovirt-users] Question on Backup and Restore API
> Hi,
> The link Backup and Restore API has steps for Full VM Backups. The mentioned
> steps are,
>     1. Take a snapshot of the virtual machine to be backed up - (existing
>     oVirt REST API operation)
>     2. Back up the virtual machine configuration at the time of the snapshot
>     (the disk configuration can be backed up as well if needed) - (added
>     capabillity to oVirt as part of the Backup API)
>     3. Attach the disk snapshots that were created in (1) to the virtual
>     appliance for data backup - (added capabillity to oVirt as part of the
>     Backup API)
>     4. <data can be backed up>
>     5. Detach the disk snapshots that were attached in (4) from the virtual
>     appliance - (added capabillity to oVirt as part of the Backup API)
> In the example section, following is the explanation for step 2.
> Grab the wanted vm configuration from the needed snapshot - it'll be under
> initialization/configuration/data
> URL = SERVER:PORT/api/vms/VM_ID/snapshots/ID
>   Method = GET

Hi santosh,
you should also have All-Content:true header.
I updated the wiki page accordingly.

> But When run the GET request using rest API, I am not finding information for
> initialization/configuration/data in the output.
> Following is the output of the GET request. Please advise If I am missing
> something or looking at wrong place.
> I am also attaching xml file with the following content. Please let me know
> if you need more information.
> <snapshot href ="
> /api/vms/4dcd5b6a-cf4b-460c-899d-4edb5345d705/snapshots/a8f63b31-1bfa-45ba-a8cc-d10b486f1094
> " id =" a8f63b31-1bfa-45ba-a8cc-d10b486f1094 " >
> <actions>
> <link href ="
> /api/vms/4dcd5b6a-cf4b-460c-899d-4edb5345d705/snapshots/a8f63b31-1bfa-45ba-a8cc-d10b486f1094/restore
> " rel =" restore " />
> </actions>
> <description> FirstClick </description>
> <type> regular </type>
> <vm id =" 4dcd5b6a-cf4b-460c-899d-4edb5345d705 " >
> <name> RHEL_65_CL1 </name>
> <description> This is cluster 1 </description>
> <link href ="
> /api/vms/4dcd5b6a-cf4b-460c-899d-4edb5345d705/snapshots/a8f63b31-1bfa-45ba-a8cc-d10b486f1094/cdroms
> " rel =" cdroms " />
> <link href ="
> /api/vms/4dcd5b6a-cf4b-460c-899d-4edb5345d705/snapshots/a8f63b31-1bfa-45ba-a8cc-d10b486f1094/disks
> " rel =" disks " />
> <link href ="
> /api/vms/4dcd5b6a-cf4b-460c-899d-4edb5345d705/snapshots/a8f63b31-1bfa-45ba-a8cc-d10b486f1094/nics
> " rel =" nics " />
> <type> server </type>
> <status>
> <state> up </state>
> </status>
> <memory> 1073741824 </memory>
> <cpu>
> <topology sockets =" 1 " cores =" 1 " />
> <architecture> X86_64 </architecture>
> </cpu>
> <cpu_shares> 0 </cpu_shares>
> <os type =" other " >
> <boot dev =" cdrom " />
> <boot dev =" hd " />
> </os>
> <high_availability>
> <enabled> false </enabled>
> <priority> 1 </priority>
> </high_availability>
> <display>
> <type> vnc </type>
> <address> </address>
> <port> 5900 </port>
> <monitors> 1 </monitors>
> <single_qxl_pci> false </single_qxl_pci>
> <allow_override> false </allow_override>
> <smartcard_enabled> false </smartcard_enabled>
> </display>
> <host id =" 2704a037-0a61-4f3e-8063-6bd67bdbac36 " />
> <cluster id =" ba23117a-708e-40f6-bf32-970c4f86b7ee " />
> <template id =" 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 " />
> <start_time> 2014-08-18T11:16:47.307-04:00 </start_time>
> <stop_time> 2014-08-18T11:14:26.323-04:00 </stop_time>
> <creation_time> 2014-08-08T17:39:52.000-04:00 </creation_time>
> <origin> ovirt </origin>
> <stateless> false </stateless>
> <delete_protected> false </delete_protected>
> <sso>
> <methods>
> <method id =" GUEST_AGENT " />
> </methods>
> </sso>
> <initialization/>
> <placement_policy>
> <affinity> migratable </affinity>
> </placement_policy>
> <memory_policy>
> <guaranteed> 1073741824 </guaranteed>
> </memory_policy>
> <usb>
> <enabled> false </enabled>
> </usb>
> <migration_downtime> -1 </migration_downtime>
> </vm>
> <date> 2014-08-17T17:03:53.461-04:00 </date>
> <snapshot_status> ok </snapshot_status>
> <persist_memorystate> false </persist_memorystate>
> </snapshot>
> Thanks,
> Santosh
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