On 09/02/2014 02:14 AM, Fawzy Ibrhim wrote:
Dear All;

I have GlusterFS storage domain in my oVirt Engine Version: 3.4.3-1.el6.

One of the peers get disconnected due to network cable unplugged and after that I failed to add/remove disks from my GlusterFS domain.

I have healed the GlusterFS volume and removed the corrupted index file and healed the GlusterFS volume.

As workaround, I have stopped all the VM and put the GlusterFS domian in maintenance mode and activated it again and now I can add/remove disks from the GlusterFS domain.

But I still have the below warnings in my ovirt-engine.log:-

2014-09-01 23:09:47,550 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.gluster.GlusterSyncJob] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-26) Volume XXX contains a apparently corrupt brick(s). Hence will not add it to engine at this point. 2014-09-01 23:09:52,558 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.gluster.GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-61) START, GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand(HostName = host1, HostId = 0de0e7d7-a3dd-4776-9393-c36b8c4b452d), log id: 2b6381b0 2014-09-01 23:09:52,588 WARN [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.gluster.GlusterVolumesListReturnForXmlRpc] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-61) Could not add brick host2:/var/lib/exports/gluster/brick1 to volume fca9d8a4-392d-4e55-a2ac-8e09a75c5cd2 - server uuid d7763283-10b6-4880-a7b3-48d0353205b0 not found in cluster 00000001-0001-0001-0001-00000000033a 2014-09-01 23:09:52,594 INFO [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.gluster.GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand] (DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-61) FINISH, GlusterVolumesListVDSCommand, return: {fca9d8a4-392d-4e55-a2ac-8e09a75c5cd2=org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.gluster.GlusterVolumeEntity@107254ac}, log id: 2b6381b0

It looks like you're managing your gluster storage using oVirt as well. Since one of your hosts got disconnected (host2 ?), did the host entry get removed from the list of hosts in your cluster?

The gluster volume has a brick on one of the removed hosts, and it is unable to synchronize the brick information returned from gluster cli to the engine's database.

Best Regards
Fawzy Ibrahim

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