----- Original Message -----
> From: "Chris Routh" <ro...@amateurwriting.net>
> To: users@ovirt.org
> Sent: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 1:42:53 PM
> Subject: [ovirt-users] Custom Cloud-Init script only partially executing
> I'm trying to get the custom cloud-init script section in my site to
> run. My goal is to have the VM run 'yum update', add the PuppetLabs
> repository, and then install the latest puppet agent, and join it to
> Puppet.
> Following the docs for oVirt and Cloud-Init I have this:
> =======================
> yum_repos:
>      # The name of the repository
>      puppetlabs-release:
>          baseurl:
> http://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-el-6.noarch.rpm
>          enabled: true
>          failovermethod: priority
>          gpgcheck: true
>          gpgkey: file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-puppetlabs
>          name: Puppet Labs repository for Enterprise Linux 6
> # Upgrade the instance on first boot
> package_upgrade: true
> # Install additional packages on first boot
> packages:
>      - puppet
> # Automatically setup and run puppetd
> puppet:
>     conf:
>         agent:
>             server: "puppet.example.com"
>             certname: "%f"
>         ca_cert: |
>            -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
>            < My Cert >
>            -----END CERTIFICATE-----
> =======================
> However what I end up with from this is:
> - No Yum update
> - No added repository
> - Puppet gets installed from the default repos
> - No attempt to join
> According to the cloud-init docs my code is correct, however oVirt is
> not respecting anything, with the sole exception being the 'packages:'
> argument. Can someone please explain?
> Also, I have combed the script and ensured that the indentation was 4
> spaces, and not tabs. I noted that previous users in this mailing list
> have had that issue before.

the custom script should be sent as-is to the vm,
you can check what is actually attached to the vm,
just mount the "config-2" cd rom and look for it under openstack/latest
please update if it somehow sent wrong 

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