On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 12:42:19PM +0100, Sven Kieske wrote:
> On 28/10/14 12:28, Daniel Helgenberger wrote:
> > But it is a short term solution until the issue is fixed or 
> > El6 obsoleted (well, this might be quite soon for a protect like oVirt?)
> Well I doubt EL6 support will be dropped from ovirt, as downstream
> still requires it to work on EL6 in the future, EL6 is still in
> production phase.

It won't happen in ovirt-3.6, but support for el6 would be dropped at
some point in the future. Backporting packages an re-solving bugs that
have been already solved in el7 is little fun, and drains our
developement and QE resources. We should start thinking how and when to
phase el6 out.

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