Daniel Helgenberger
m box bewegtbild GmbH

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Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Martin Retschitzegger / Michaela G?llner
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On 07.11.2014, at 15:24, Koen Vanoppen 
<vanoppen.k...@gmail.com<mailto:vanoppen.k...@gmail.com>> wrote:


We had a consulting partner who did the same for our company. This is his 
procedure and worked great:

How to migrate ovirt management engine
Ensure you have the same packages & versions installed on the destination 
hostas on the source, using 'rpm -qa | grep ovirt'. Make sure versions are 
Default setup

Run 'engine-setup' on the destination host after installing the packages. Use
the following configuration:
1.    Backup existing configuration
2.    On the source host, do:
You might want your consultant take a look on [1]...
Steps a-3d:
engine-backup mode=backup --file=~/ovirt-engine-source --log=backup.log

a.    service ovirt-engine stop
b.    service ovirt-engine-dwhd stop
c.    mkdir ~/backup
d.    tar -C /etc/pki/ovirt-engine -czpf ~/backup/ovirt-engine-pki.tar.gz .
e.    tar -C /etc/ovirt-engine -czpf ~/backup/ovirt-engine-conf.tar.gz .
f.    cd /usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts
g.    ./backup.sh
h.    mv engine_*.sql ~/backup/engine.sql
3.    You may also want to backup dwh & reports:
a.    cd /usr/share/ovirt-engine/bin/
b.    ./engine-backup.sh --mode=backup --scope=db --db-user=engine 
--db-password=XXX --file=/usr/tmp/rhevm-backups/engine-backup 
c.    ./engine-backup.sh --mode=backup --scope=dwhdb --db-user=engine 
--db-password=XXX --file=/usr/tmp/rhevm-backups/dwh-backup 
d.    ./engine-backup.sh --mode=backup --scope=reportsdb --db-user=engine 
--db-password=XXX --file=/usr/tmp/rhevm-backups/reports-backup 
4.    Download these backup files, and copy them to the destination host.
Restore configuration
1.    On the destination host, do:
Again, steps a-h, basically
engine-backup mode=restore --file=~/ovirt-engine-source --log=backup.log

also, I would run a second
After that, you should be good to go..

Of course, depending on your previous engine setup this could be a little more 
complicated. Still, quite strait forward.
[1] http://www.ovirt.org/Ovirt-engine-backup
a.    service ovirt-engine stop
b.    service ovirt-engine-dwhd stop
c.    cd backup
d.    tar -C /etc/pki/ovirt-engine -xzpf ovirt-engine-pki.tar.gz
e.     tar -C /etc/ovirt-engine -xzpf ovirt-engine-conf.tar.gz
f.     tar -xvjf engine-backup
g.     tar -xvjf dwh-backup
h.     tar -xvjf reports-backup
Restore Database
1.    On the destination host do:
a.    su - postgres -c "psql -d template1 -c 'drop database engine;'"
b.     su - postgres -c "psql -d template1 -c 'create database engine owner 
c.     su - postgres
d.     psql
e.      \c engine
f.      \i /path/to/backup/engine.sql
NOTE: in case you have issues logging in to the database, add the following
      line to the pg_hba.conf file:

       host    all    engine<>        trust

2.    Fix engine password:
a.    su - postgres
b.     psql
c.    alter user engine with password 'XXXXXXX';
Change ovirt hostname
On the destination host, run:


Restoring the dwh/reports database is similar to steps 5-7, but omitted from
this document due to problems starting the reporting service.

2014-11-07 10:28 GMT+01:00 Sven Kieske 

On 07/11/14 10:10, Ml Ml wrote:
> anyone? :)
> Or are you only doing backups, no restore? :-P

gladly I just had to test disaster recovery and not actually
 perform it (yet) :D

To be honest: I never  have restored ovirt-engine with running vdsm
hosts connected to it, sounds like a lot of fun, I see if I can
grab some time and try this out myself :)

By your description I guess you have nfs/iso domain on your engine host?
why don't you just seperate it, so no need for remounts
if your engine is destroyed.


Mit freundlichen Gr??en / Regards

Sven Kieske

Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG
K?nigsberger Stra?e 6
32339 Espelkamp
T: +49-5772-293-100<tel:%2B49-5772-293-100>
F: +49-5772-293-333<tel:%2B49-5772-293-333>
Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Robert Meyer
St.Nr.: 331/5721/1033, USt-IdNr.: DE814773217, HRA 6640, AG Bad Oeynhausen
Komplement?rin: Robert Meyer Verwaltungs GmbH, HRB 13260, AG Bad Oeynhausen
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