On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 12:59:01AM +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> Hello,
> on my all-in-one installation @home I had 3.5.0 with F20.
> Today I updated to 3.5.1.
> it seems it modified /etc/multipath.conf preventing me from using my second
> disk at all...
> My system has internal ssd disk (sda) for OS and one local storage domain
> and another disk (sdb) with some partitions (on one of them there is also
> another local storage domain).
> At reboot I was put in emergency boot because partitions at sdb disk could
> not be mounted (they were busy).
> it took me some time to understand that the problem was due to sdb gone
> managed as multipath device and so busy for partitions to be mounted.
> Here you can find how multipath became after update and reboot
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwoPbcrMv8mvS0FkMnNyMTdVTms/view?usp=sharing
> No device-mapper-multipath update in yum.log
> Also it seems that after changing it, it was then reverted at boot again (I
> don't know if the responsible was initrd/dracut or vdsmd) so in the mean
> time the only thing I could do was to make the file immutable with
> chattr +i /etc/multipath.conf

The "supported" method of achieving this is to place "# RHEV PRIVATE" in
the second line of your hand-modified multipath.conf

I do not understand why this has happened only after upgrade to 3.5.1 -
3.5.0's should have reverted you multipath.conf just as well during each
vdsm startup.

The good thing is that this annoying behavior has been dropped from the
master branch, so that 3.6 is not going to have it. Vdsm is not to mess
with other services config file while it is running. The logic moved to
`vdsm-tool configure`

> and so I was able to reboot and verify that my partitions on sdb were ok
> and I was able to mount them (for safe I also ran an fsck against them)
> Update ran around 19:20 and finished at 19:34
> here the log in gzip format
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwoPbcrMv8mvWjJDTXU1YjRWOFk/view?usp=sharing
> Reboot was done around 21:10-21:14
> Here my /var/log/messages in gzip format, where you can see latest days.
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwoPbcrMv8mvMm1ldXljd3hZWnM/view?usp=sharing
> Any suggestion appreciated.
> Current multipath.conf (where I also commented out the getuid_callout that
> is not used anymore):
> [root@tekkaman setup]# cat /etc/multipath.conf
> blacklist {
>     devnode "^(sda|sdb)[0-9]*"
> }
> defaults {
>     polling_interval        5
>     #getuid_callout          "/usr/lib/udev/scsi_id --whitelisted
> --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/%n"
>     no_path_retry           fail
>     user_friendly_names     no
>     flush_on_last_del       yes
>     fast_io_fail_tmo        5
>     dev_loss_tmo            30
>     max_fds                 4096
> }
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