On 01/29/2015 02:54 PM, Koen Vanoppen wrote:
I just don't understand. Why did engine-manage-domains previously DID
work, no problems what so ever and now I have this...

Because manage-domains didn't use global catalog. And probabaly the reason you don't have _ldap SRV record is that you didn't have them never and you just used '--ldapServers' parameter, that's why manage-domains worked with your domain.

Now you are using DNS, not static configuration of ldap servers.

2015-01-29 14:48 GMT+01:00 Ondra Machacek <omach...@redhat.com

    It's same situation as before, but now you are missing ldap SRV record.

    With same steps you used to add _gc SRV record add also _ldap SRV
    record. But it's strange that you don't already have them.

    On 01/29/2015 02:46 PM, Koen Vanoppen wrote:

        I saw that when I pressed the send button. If I do that i again
        get the

        2015-01-29 14:28:35,891 WARN
        [org.ovirt.engineextensions.__aaa.ldap.AuthzExtension] (MSC
        service thread
        1-1) [ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-__ldap.authz::BRU_AIR-authz] Cannot
        initialize LDAP framework, deferring initialization. Error: An error
        occurred while attempting to query DNS in order to retrieve SRV
        with name '_ldap._tcp.ldap.mydomain.com
        DNS name not found [response code 3]; remaining name
        '_ldap._tcp.ldap.mydomain.com <http://tcp.ldap.mydomain.com>
        2015-01-29 14:28:35,924 WARN
        [org.ovirt.engineextensions.__aaa.ldap.AuthnExtension] (MSC
        service thread
        1-1) [ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-__ldap.authn::BRU_AIR-authn] Cannot
        initialize LDAP framework, deferring initialization. Error: An error
        occurred while attempting to query DNS in order to retrieve SRV
        with name '_ldap._tcp.ldap.mydomain.com
        DNS name not found [response code 3]; remaining name
        '_ldap._tcp.ldap.mydomain.com <http://tcp.ldap.mydomain.com>

        And yes I replayed mydomain with the correct one... :-)

        2015-01-29 14:40 GMT+01:00 Ondra Machacek <omach...@redhat.com
        <mailto:omach...@redhat.com <mailto:omach...@redhat.com>>>:

             On 01/29/2015 02:18 PM, Koen Vanoppen wrote:

                 OK... Now I have this one :-)
                 (MSC service
                 thread 1-2)
                 Cannot initialize LDAP framework, deferring
        initialization. Error:
                 Invalid DNS pseudo-URL(s):

             uncomment vars.dns

                 Changed the properties file to this:

                 include = <ad.properties>

                 # Active directory domain name.
                 vars.domain = ldap.mydomain.com
        <http://ldap.mydomain.com> <http://ldap.mydomain.com>
                 <http://ldap.mydomain.com> (this one
                 resolves to and gives ping back, front end of the pool)

                 # Search user and its password.
                 vars.user = juniper-ad...@mydomain.com
        <mailto:juniper-admin@>__mydoma__in.com <http://mydomain.com>
                 vars.password = *****

                 # Optional DNS servers, if enterprise
                 # DNS server cannot resolve the domain srvrecord.
                 #vars.dns = dns://srvdc03.my.domain
        dns://srvdc04.my.domain (these
                 resolve and give a ping back)

                 pool.default.serverset.type = srvrecord
                 #pool.default.serverset.____single.server =
                 pool.default.serverset.____srvrecord.domain =
                 pool.default.auth.simple.____bindDN = ${global:vars.user}
                 pool.default.auth.simple.____password =

                 # Uncomment if using custom DNS

                 pool.default.socketfactory.____resolver.uRL =

                 Thanks for your effort!

                 2015-01-29 13:50 GMT+01:00 Alon Bar-Lev
        <alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>
                 <mailto:alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>>
                 <mailto:alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>
        <mailto:alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>>>>:

                      ----- Original Message -----
                      > From: "Koen Vanoppen" <vanoppen.k...@gmail.com
                      > To: "Alon Bar-Lev" <alo...@redhat.com
                 <mailto:alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>>
        <mailto:alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>
                 <mailto:alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>>>>
                      > Cc:users@ovirt.org <mailto:cc%3aus...@ovirt.org>
        <mailto:cc%3aus...@ovirt.org <mailto:cc%253aus...@ovirt.org>>
                 <mailto:users@ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org>
        <mailto:users@ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org>>>
                      > Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:41:52 PM
                      > Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] AAA
                      > Yes We have:
                      > [root@ovirtmgmt01prod ~]# dig
        @srvdc03.mydomain.com <http://srvdc03.mydomain.com>
        <http://srvdc03.mydomain.com> SRV
                      >tcp.mydomain.com <http://tcp.mydomain.com>
                      > ; <<>> DiG
        9.8.2rc1-RedHat-9.8.2-0.23.____rc1.el6_5.1 <<>>
                 @srvdc03.mydomain.com <http://srvdc03.mydomain.com>

                      > SRV _gc._tcp.mydomain.com
        <http://tcp.mydomain.com> <http://tcp.mydomain.com>
                      > ; (1 server found)
                      > ;; global options: +cmd
                      > ;; Got answer:
                      > ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN,
        id: 33340
                      > ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0,
        AUTHORITY: 1,
                 ADDITIONAL: 0
                      > ;; QUESTION SECTION:
                      > ;_gc._tcp.mydomain.com <http://tcp.mydomain.com>
                 <http://tcp.mydomain.com>. IN      SRV

                      this ^^^^^^^ means that you do not have srv
        record. are you
                 sure you
                      replace mydomain.com <http://mydomain.com>
                 <http://mydomain.com> with your actual active
                      directory domain name?
                      have you tried to look into your dns manager for this
                 information as

                       > ;; AUTHORITY SECTION:
                       > mydomain.com <http://mydomain.com>
                 <http://mydomain.com>.   3600    IN      SOA
        srvdc03.mydomain.com <http://srvdc03.mydomain.com>
                       > hostmaster.airport. 1398582 900 600 86400 3600
                       > ;; Query time: 12 msec
                       > ;; SERVER:
                       > ;; WHEN: Thu Jan 29 13:40:41 2015
                       > ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 98
                       > 2015-01-29 13:33 GMT+01:00 Alon Bar-Lev
                 <alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>
        <mailto:alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>>
        <mailto:alo...@redhat.com> <mailto:alo...@redhat.com
                       > >
                       > >
                       > > ----- Original Message -----
                       > > > From: "Koen Vanoppen"
        <vanoppen.k...@gmail.com <mailto:vanoppen.k...@gmail.com>
                       > > > To: "Alon Bar-Lev" <alo...@redhat.com
                 <mailto:alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>>
        <mailto:alo...@redhat.com> <mailto:alo...@redhat.com
        users@ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org> <mailto:users@ovirt.org
        <mailto:users@ovirt.org>> <mailto:users@ovirt.org
                 <mailto:users@ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org>>>
                       > > > Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 2:19:32 PM
                       > > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] AAA
                       > > >
                       > > > Big thanks for your help, but still the same:
                       > > >
                       > > > #
                       > > > # Active directory domain name.
                       > > > #
                       > > > vars.domain = mydomain.com
        <http://mydomain.com> <http://mydomain.com>
                       > > >
                       > > > #
                       > > > # Search user and its password.
                       > > > #
                       > > > vars.user = admin@${global:vars.domain}
                       > > > vars.password = *****
                       > > >
                       > > > #
                       > > > # Optional DNS servers, if enterprise
                       > > > # DNS server cannot resolve the domain
                       > > > #
                       > > > vars.dns =
                       > > > dns://srvdc04.${global:vars.____domain}
                       > > >
                       > > > pool.default.serverset.type = srvrecord
                       > > > pool.default.serverset.____srvrecord.domain =
                       > > > pool.default.auth.simple.____bindDN =
                       > > > pool.default.auth.simple.____password =
                       > > >
                       > > > # Uncomment if using custom DNS
                       > > >
                       > >

                       > > > ${global:vars.dns}
                       > > > pool.default.socketfactory.____resolver.uRL =
                       > > >
                       > > >
                       > > >
                       > > >
                      Cannot initialize
                       > > > LDAP framework, deferring initialization.
        Error: No
                 DNS SRV
                      records were
                       > > > found with record name
                       > > >
                       > > > And I can't put '_gc._tcp.mydomain.com
                      <http://tcp.mydomain.com> in the dns... Isn't
        there another
                       > > > way it just resolves the dns servers I gave
                       > > >
                       > >
                       > > Microsoft Domain controller must have gc
        service entry
                      DNS to work
                       > > properly.
                       > > 1. Are you sure you have Microsoft DNS
        installed on
        srvdc03.mydomain.com <http://srvdc03.mydomain.com>
                 <http://srvdc03.mydomain.com> ?
                       > > 2. Can you please execute:
                       > > $ dig @srvdc03.mydomain.com
        <http://srvdc03.mydomain.com> SRV
                      _gc._tcp.mydomain.com <http://tcp.mydomain.com>
                       > > 3. Can you please open the DNS manager within
                 domain and
                      search for
                       > > srv records? Maybe you have DNS installed
        only on few
                      using the
                       > > DNS manager you can also see which.
                       > >
                       > > >
                       > > > 2015-01-29 13:02 GMT+01:00 Alon Bar-Lev
                 <alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>
        <mailto:alo...@redhat.com <mailto:alo...@redhat.com>>
        <mailto:alo...@redhat.com> <mailto:alo...@redhat.com
                       > > >
                       > > > >
                       > > > >
                       > > > > ----- Original Message -----
                       > > > > > From: "Ondra Machacek"
        <omach...@redhat.com <mailto:omach...@redhat.com>
                 <mailto:omach...@redhat.com <mailto:omach...@redhat.com>>
        <mailto:omach...@redhat.com> <mailto:omach...@redhat.com
                       > > > > > To: "Koen Vanoppen"
        <vanoppen.k...@gmail.com <mailto:vanoppen.k...@gmail.com>
        <mailto:vanoppen.k...@gmail.com>>>>, users@ovirt.org
                 <mailto:users@ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org>>
                      <mailto:users@ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org>
        <mailto:users@ovirt.org <mailto:users@ovirt.org>>>
                       > > > > > Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 1:49:00 PM
                       > > > > > Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] AAA
                       > > > > >
                       > > > > >
                       > > > > > On 01/29/2015 12:30 PM, Koen Vanoppen
                       > > > > > > No, I don't. and I wouldn't know how
        he got to
                 this name...
                       > > > > >
                       > > > > > Well, then you have to, if you want to use
                       > > 'pool.default.serverset.type
                       > > > > > = srvrecord'.
                       > > > > >
                       > > > > > It just need to know where your global
        catalog is
                      running, since it's
                       > > > > > needed for new provider.
                       > > > > >
                       > > > > > It searches for global catalog like this:
                       > > > > > dig @${vars.dns} -t SRV
                       > > > > >
                       > > > > > So you need to have this SRV record in
        DNS, if
                 you want
                      to use
                       > > srvrecord
                       > > > > > serverset type. Or you don't have to if
        you use
                      server type.
                       > > > >
                       > > > > active directory will not work without
        access to
                       > > > > please set one or more of the domain
                 as dns
                      server, for
                       > > > > example:
                       > > > >
                       > > > > vars.dns =
                       > > dns://dc2.${global:vars.____domain}
                       > > > >
                       > > > > please also uncomment/add these lines to
        make vars.dns
                       > > > >
                       > > > >
                       > >

                       > > > > = ${global:vars.dns}
                       > > > > pool.default.socketfactory.____resolver.uRL =
                       > > > >
                       > > > > Thanks!
                       > > > >
                       > > > > >
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > > Thanks for the reply!
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > > 2015-01-29 11:53 GMT+01:00 Ondra Machacek
                      <omach...@redhat.com <mailto:omach...@redhat.com>
        <mailto:omach...@redhat.com <mailto:omach...@redhat.com>>
        <mailto:omach...@redhat.com> <mailto:omach...@redhat.com
                       > > > > > > <mailto:omach...@redhat.com
        <mailto:omach...@redhat.com>> <mailto:omach...@redhat.com

                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >     On 01/29/2015 11:41 AM, Koen
        Vanoppen wrote:
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         Can somebody help me setting
        up AAA
                 for ovirt
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         I'm getting this now:
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         2015-01-29 11:35:36,889 WARN
                       > > > > > >

          [org.ovirt.engineextensions.______aaa.ldap.AuthzExtension] (MSC
                       > > > > > >         service thread
                       > > > > > >         1-1)
                       > >
                       > > > > > >         Cannot
                       > > > > > >         initialize LDAP framework,
                       > > Error: An
                       > > > > > >         error
                       > > > > > >         occurred while attempting to
        query DNS
                 in order to
                       > > retrieve SRV
                       > > > > > >         records
                       > > > > > >         with name
                       > > > > > >
                   javax.naming.______NameNotFoundException: DNS name
                      not found
                       > > > > > >         [response code
                       > > > > > >         3]; remaining name
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >     Do you have this
                 '_gc._tcp.brussels.airport' SRV
                      record in DNS
                       > > ?
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         my 3 configs:
                       > > > > > >         _*BRU_AIR-authn.properties*_
                       > > > > > > ovirt.engine.extension.name
        <http://ovirt.engine.extension.name>>> <
                       > > > > http://ovirt.engine.extension.____name
                       > > > > > >
        <http://extensi__on.name> <http://extension.name>
                       > > > > > >
          <http://ovirt.engine.__extensi__on.name <http://extension.name>
        <http://ovirt.engine.extension.name>>>> =
                       > > > > > >         BRU_AIR-authn
                       > > > > > >
                   ovirt.engine.extension.______bindings.method =
                       > > > > > >

          ovirt.engine.extension.______binding.jbossmodule.module =
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >

          ovirt.engine.extension.______binding.jbossmodule.class =
                       > > > > > >

                       > > > > > >
          ovirt.engine.extension.______provides =
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >
        <http://profi__le.name> <http://profile.name>
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >
        <http://ovirt.engine.aaa.authn.profile.name>>>> =
                       > > > > > >
          ovirt.engine.aaa.authn.authz.______plugin =
                       > > > > > >         config.profile.file.1 =
                       > > > >
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         _*BRU_AIR-authz.properties*_
                       > > > > > > ovirt.engine.extension.name
        <http://ovirt.engine.extension.name>>> <
                       > > > > http://ovirt.engine.extension.____name
                       > > > > > >
        <http://extensi__on.name> <http://extension.name>

                       > > > > > >
          <http://ovirt.engine.__extensi__on.name <http://extension.name>
        <http://ovirt.engine.extension.name>>>> =
                       > > > > > >         BRU_AIR-authz
                       > > > > > >
                   ovirt.engine.extension.______bindings.method =
                       > > > > > >

          ovirt.engine.extension.______binding.jbossmodule.module =
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >

          ovirt.engine.extension.______binding.jbossmodule.class =
                       > > > > > >

                       > > > > > >
          ovirt.engine.extension.______provides =
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         config.profile.file.1 =
                       > > > >

                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         _*BRU_AIR.properties*_
                       > > > > > >         include = <ad.properties>
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         #
                       > > > > > >         # Active directory domain name.
                       > > > > > >         #
                       > > > > > >         vars.domain = mydomain.com
                      <http://mydomain.com> <http://mydomain.com>
                       > > > > > >         <http://mydomain.com>
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         #
                       > > > > > >         # Search user and its password.
                       > > > > > >         #
                       > > > > > >         vars.user =
                       > > > > > >         vars.password = ***********
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         #
                       > > > > > >         # Optional DNS servers, if
                       > > > > > >         # DNS server cannot resolve
        the domain
                       > > > > > >         #
                       > > > > > >         vars.dns =
        dns://dc01.mydomain.com <http://dc01.mydomain.com>
                      <http://dc01.mydomain.com> <
                       > > http://dc01.mydomain.com>
                       > > > > > >         <http://dc01.mydomain.com>
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         pool.default.serverset.type =
                       > > > > > >
                   pool.default.serverset.______srvrecord.domain =
                       > > > > ${global:vars.domain}
                       > > > > > >
          pool.default.auth.simple.______bindDN =
                       > > > > > >
          pool.default.auth.simple.______password =
                       > > ${global:vars.password
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         In the GUI for adding user I
        get this:
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         An error occurred while
        attempting to
                 query DNS
                      in order to
                       > > > > > >         retrieve SRV
                       > > > > > >         records with name
                       > > > > > >
                   javax_naming_______NameNotFoundException: DNS name
                      not found
                       > > > > > >         [response code
                       > > > > > >         3]; remaining name
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         Any ideas? I ran out...
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         Kind regards,
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         Koen
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >
                       > > > > > >         Users mailing list
                       > > > > > > Users@ovirt.org
        <mailto:Users@ovirt.org> <mailto:Users@ovirt.org
                 <mailto:Users@ovirt.org <mailto:Users@ovirt.org>
        <mailto:Users@ovirt.org <mailto:Users@ovirt.org>>>
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        <mailto:Users@ovirt.org <mailto:Users@ovirt.org>>>>
                       > > > > > >
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                       > > > > > Users mailing list
                       > > > > > Users@ovirt.org
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