Hi, here's an update on 3.6 status on integration / rel-eng side

ACTION: Feature proposed for 3.6.0 must now be collected in the 3.6 Google doc 
[1] and reviewed by maintainers.
Finished the review process, the remaining key milestones for this release will 
be scheduled.

For reference, external project schedules we're tracking are:

    Fedora 22: 2015-05-19
    Fedora 20 End Of Life: 2015-06-19 (1 month after Fedora 22 release)
    Foreman 1.8.0: 2015-03-01
    GlusterFS 3.7: 2015-04-29
    OpenStack Kilo: 2015-04-30
    QEMU 2.3.0: 2015-03-27

The tracker bug for 3.6.0 [2] currently shows no blockers.

There are 548 bugs [3] targeted to 3.6.0.
Excluding node and documentation bugs we have 506 bugs [4] targeted to 3.6.0.

oVirt 3.6 cluster compatibility status in nightly builds:

VDSM patch introducing 3.6 compatibility[5] has not been merged yet, waiting 
for CentOS and RHEL 7.1 to be released for getting libvirt support.
CentOS and RHEL 6.z won't have 3.6 compatibility by design [6].
Fedora 20 won't have 3.6 compatibility level since virt maintainers are going 
to maintain latest libvirt rpms only in latest stable Fedora release
(currently Fedora 21). There's no point in providing Fedora 20 packages on 
oVirt side since Fedora 20 will go EOL before oVirt 3.6.0 GA.
Fedora 21 will be able to support 3.6 compatibility once VDSM patch[5] will be 
Fedora 22 may not be able to support VDSM at all since it will run Python 3 
instead of Python 2 as default python interpreter[7], so more work will be
needed there.

[1] http://goo.gl/9X3G49
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1155425
[4] http://goo.gl/ZbUiMc
[5] http://gerrit.ovirt.org/37384
[6] http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/users/2014-September/027421.html
[7] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/22/ChangeSet

Sandro Bonazzola
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