We still have one open blocker for 3.5.2[1]:

Bug ID  Whiteboard      Status          Summary
1176937 virt            ASSIGNED        Instance type: delta icon (new 
configuration for next run) does not appear on running pool VMs.

ACTION: Tomas Jelinek to provide ETA for the blocker bug.

We also had 4 blockers fixed since 3.5.2 RC1[2] so a new RC will be scheduled 
when the last blocker will be fixed and GA postponed to one week later
as release criteria for RC1 are not met.

We still have 16 bugs in MODIFIED and 45 on QA[8]:

Whiteboard      MODIFIED        ON_QA   Total
infra           8               15      23
integration     0               4       4
network         2               3       5
node            1               0       1
sla             2               3       5
storage         3               13      16
virt            0               7       7
Total           16              45      61

ACTION: Maintainers/Assignee: please move bugs to ON_QA if they're included in 
3.5.2 RC1
ACTION: Testers: you're welcome to verify bugs currently ON_QA.

All remaining bugs not marked as blockers have been moved to 3.5.3.
A release management entry has been added for tracking the schedule of 3.5.3[3]
A bug tracker [4] has been created for 3.5.3.
We have 33 bugs currently targeted to 3.5.3[5]:

Whiteboard      NEW     ASSIGNED        POST    Total
doc             1       0               0       1
docs            1       0               0       1
gluster         4       0               1       5
infra           2       2               0       4
integration     1       0               0       1
network         0       1               0       1
node            3       0               1       4
ppc             0       0               1       1
sla             4       0               0       4
storage         8       0               0       8
ux              0       0               1       1
virt            1       0               1       2
Total           25      3               5       33

ACTION: Maintainers / Assignee: to review the bugs targeted to 3.5.3 ensuring 
they're correctly targeted.
ACTION: Maintainers: to fill release notes for 3.5.2, the page has been created 
and updated here [6]
ACTION: Testers: please add yourself to the test page [7]

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1186161
[3] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5.z_Release_Management#oVirt_3.5.3
[4] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1198142
[6] http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.5.2_Release_Notes
[7] http://www.ovirt.org/Testing/oVirt_3.5.2_Testing
[8] http://goo.gl/UEVTCf

Sandro Bonazzola
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