On 17/04/15 10:51 +0200, InterNetX - Juergen Gotteswinter wrote:

accidently, i delete the wrong live snapshot of a Virtual Machine. Which
whouldnt be that big deal, since Filer Snapshots are created every hour.

But... after pulling out the qcow Files of the VM, i am confronted with
several files.

- the biggest one, which is most likely the main part from what i was
able to investigate with qemu-img
- several smaller files, which seem to contain the delta - so i expect
this files be the live snaps of the vm

could anyone  point me into a direction to:

- push the restored main image file + snapshot files back into ovirt (if
its hacky, ok..)


- how to find out which snapshot files need to be merged into the main
qcow image to get the latest state

for option 2, importing a single qcow image is imho no big deal
(virt-v2v). but how the heck do i find out in which order / which files
needs to be merged ?

If you already have the set of files and you're looking for the order,
you can use qemu-img info to determine the chain.

For each file in the set, run the following command:

   qemu-img info --backing-chain <file>

Repeat this until you find the volume which includes all of the others
in its backing chain output.  This volume is the leaf.  If you want to
easily produce a single, merged volume you can then use the qemu-img
convert command:

   qemu-img convert -O qcow2 <old-leaf> <new-file>

Hope this helps.

Adam Litke
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