On 4/19/2015 7:02 AM, Bernd Broermann wrote:
I am playing with ovirt and succeeded with glusterfs setup "Up and Running with 
oVirt 3.5" by Jason Brock.

There are 3 iSCSI for the setup available.

When I repeat this setup with iSCSI disks, I have at least a running 
hosted_engine on the iSCSI lun.

But I cannot add this iSCSI Lun to my initial storagedomain. In the dialog box 
for adding luns to Storage-domains, the

check box for the lun with the hosted-engine is disabled ( shown geayed out) .

How can i used this lun too?

thanks for answers.


I believe that the Hosted Engine requires its own dedicated LUN to function correctly, this LUN will not be part of the storage domains.

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