On 04/24/2015 07:13 PM, Gustavo Campos wrote:
Hi Simone, thanks for the tips!

Neither the ovirt or Red Hat docs mentioned (or quite possibly I
missed it) exactly what I should expect from the working hosted
engine, so I was a bit confused. Good to know 3.6 will bring those!

Hi Gustavo, after you'll succeed with the migration to hosted engine (we're here to help) maybe you'd be interested in 3.6 feature page for hosted engine management [1]

[1] http://www.ovirt.org/Hosted_engine_VM_management

The last attempt log is attached. I don't have all the logs from
previous tries anymore, sorry =(

Again about the docs: I believe I will request a wiki editor account
if you guys are accepting. I noted a few points of confusion where I
had to do a lot of guess work - an example is the storage domain for
the hosted engine, it took me quite a bit of guessing to find out it
was a separate domain =D

Gustavo Campos Ferreira GuimarĂ£es

"Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the
power to make you commit injustices."

On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 6:01 AM, Simone Tiraboschi <stira...@redhat.com> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gustavo Campos" <guhcam...@gmail.com>
To: users@ovirt.org
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 10:41:52 PM
Subject: [ovirt-users] Migrating to a Hosted Engine does not work as expected. 
Cluster name/id problem?


I've been trying for sometime to migrate from a bare metal to a hosted
engine. Failed about 6-7 times now.


- Ovirt Engine version is 3.4
- 6 hosts on a cluster named "MYCLUSTER", Westmere CPU Type
- About 50 VM's on "MYCLUSTER" cluster.
- NFS Storage domain
- Cluster "Default" is empty: no hosts, no VM's, only the "Blank"
template (I didn't know I could just rename it when I deployed it)

The first times I tried to deploy it, the hosted-engine VM and host
ended up in the "Default" cluster. So I renamed the "Default" cluster
"Default1" and then "MYCLUSTER" to "Default" using the web gu on the
bare metal manager, prior to generating the backup I later restored on
the hosted one.
Could you please share your hosted-engine setup logs?

This time, the host was correctly added to "Default" together with the
other hosts and VM's, but the hosted engine VM was added to the
"Default1" cluster.

I'm then left with:

- a HostedEngine VM which looks down on the engine, even though I'm
looking at the web-gui running on it.
- a host that shows 1 vm running on it, but have no Vm's listed
I guess you'll find errors in ovirt-engine log saying it failed adding that vm. grep AddVm from /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log
These two are weird.

- trying to do anything with the HostedEngine Vm on the web-gui issues
"VM is not managed by this engine" error

that's expected. btw what actions did you try to do? or interested in doing?

This one is attended, you'll be able to customize engine VM from webadmin 
interface only since the next oVirt 3.6

- trying to move it to the "Default" cluster shows the same error

I think you can try to live-migrate it another cluster (am not sure what version that is supported from though...) configure a hosted-engine capable host on the DEFAULT cluster and try to right click migrate the vm to that host.

The same.

I then decided to take a look at the engine DB and tried to alter
tables vm_static and vm_dynamic to reflect the correct cluster
(vds_group_id) and host configuration, but that did not work (I didn't
have a lot of hope anyway).
lets leave the db as last resort for now and hope the logs will reveal more.

I'm now back to a working bare metal engine. Is there a way to go
around this problem?

Gustavo Campos
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