
Resources includes sysadmin documentation[1], integrator documentation[2], 
overview[3], examples[4].

You did not specify what LDAP vendor it is.

I can guess your directory is Active Directory, hence all you need to do is 
follow the "QUICK START"[5].

The rootDSE is determined automatically, all you need is to provide a valid 
user and password.

What you are missing in your configuration is the include directive of the 
proper driver.
Not sure why you use LDAPS and not LDAP with startTLS, startTLS is more 
flexible and should be used unless there is an issue.


[3] http://www.ovirt.org/Features/AAA

----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Smith" <dsm...@mypchelp.com>
> To: "users" <users@ovirt.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2015 11:09:25 PM
> Subject: [ovirt-users] AAA LDAP Authentication
> I'm trying to set up the new 3.5 AAA LDAP Auth, but it's lacking some serious
> detail in documentation, the rest is java-programmer-oriented docs only that
> I can find;
> https://gerrit.ovirt.org/gitweb?p=ovirt-engine-extension-aaa-ldap.git
> Here's a sample config (sanitized) that I need to adapt to ovirt; *I HAVE NO
> control over the LDAP server.
> So far I've managed to figure out through search after search to use LDAPS
> (TLS isn't an option, thanks!)
> Two parts I can't figure out; setting rootDN and setting the organization
> filter-- members of that particular organization should have access to
> ovirt, and none others.
> vars.server = directory.ft.com
> #
> # Search user and its password.
> #
> vars.user = uid=newproductslab,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=corp,dc=ft,dc=com
> vars.urootdn = cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=corp,dc=ft,dc=com
> vars.password = Ft######
> pool.default.serverset.single.server = ${global:vars.server}
> pool.default.serverset.single.port = 636
> pool.default.auth.simple.bindDN = ${global:vars.user}
> pool.default.auth.simple.rootDN = ${global:vars.urootdn}
> pool.default.auth.simple.password = ${global:vars.password}
> # enable SSL
> pool.default.ssl.enable = true
> #pool.default.ssl.insecure = false
> # Create keystore, import certificate chain and uncomment
> # if using ssl/tls.
> #pool.default.ssl.startTLS = true
> pool.default.ssl.truststore.file =
> ${local:_basedir}/${global:vars.server}.jks
> pool.default.ssl.truststore.password = changeit
> example config from testlink
> $tlCfg->authentication['method'] = 'LDAP';
> /** LDAP authentication credentials */
> $tlCfg->authentication['ldap_server'] = 'ldaps:// directory.ft.com ';
> $tlCfg->authentication['ldap_port'] = '636';
> $tlCfg->authentication['ldap_version'] = '3';
> $tlCfg->authentication['ldap_root_dn'] =
> 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=corp,dc=ft,dc=com';
> $tlCfg->authentication['ldap_bind_dn'] =
> 'uid=newproductslab,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=corp,dc=ft,dc=com';
> $tlCfg->authentication['ldap_bind_passwd'] = 'Ft######';
> $tlCfg->authentication['ldap_tls'] = false; // true -> use tls
> $tlCfg->authentication['ldap_organization'] =
> '(nsRoleDN=cn=newproductslab,cn=accounts,dc=corp,dc=ft,dc=com)'; // e.g.
> '(organizationname=*Traffic)'
> $tlCfg->authentication['ldap_uid_field'] = 'uid'; // Use 'sAMAccountName' for
> Active Directory
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