Had to switch to centos because FC is no longer supported (3.5.0 max)

1) dealing with the database restore was a pita, i found that from several
failed attempts setup had created extra engine databases. I had to use
engine-clean to wipe as much as possible, then manually delete all the
engine-* and engine databases, then do engine-setup to create a new
database, grep the config for the db password, engine-clean to wipe
everything (removes all data but leaves empty database) then do a restore
using the password from the grep step.

2) http SSL was bad; FC used a different SSL config from centos, and this
seemed to be reproduced by engine-setup causing failures during setup.  The
http error was around SSLPassPhraseDialog, in FC: SSLPassPhraseDialog
in centos:
LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
SSLPassPhraseDialog builtin

This caused engine-setup to fail and http not to start.
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