Le 11/05/2015 19:30, Jiří Sléžka a écrit :
Hi Chuck,

I also have not upgraded my hosts from el6 to el7 but I am about to do
it soon. IMHO it is as simple as

for every el6 host

1) move one el6 host to maintenance (to migrate all guests out of it)
2) remove that host from manager
3) reinstall this host with el7
4) add this new host in manager
5) migrate guests to el7 host


I'm using oVirt 3.5.1 and here is what I did :
in a cluster with CentOS 6.6 hosts, I added a brand new CentOS 7.0 host and when adding it to the cluster, oVirt refused to add it because mixing 6.x and 7.x was not allowed.

I had to create a second cluster in the same DC, and put my new 7.x host into this second cluster. What I'm doing at present is progressively upgrade each host and move them into the next 7.x cluster.

Please note that migrating VM between 6.x and 7.x hosts is limited along what is described in the following BZ :


Best regards,

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