On 29/05/2015 6:58 PM, Juan Carlos YJ. Lin wrote:
I configured iDrac7 on dell server, have acces by hppts, IPMI active, but when test power configuration to node, comes success,unknown, then get alert with node power fance test fail. Dell R720 and dell R420 Centos 6 with same issue, I missconfigure something?

Hi Juan,

If you're using ovirt < 3.5.2, then you should try to include as "options": privlvl=OPERATOR,lanplus=1,delay=10
If you're ovirt >= 3.5.2, then you probably only need: lanplus=1

Under CentOS 7.0, and 3.5.2, the default worked because 3.5.2 was the first release to include the default options for idrac7, but when fence-agents was updated with CentOS 7.1 release, "lanplus" alone is no longer valid syntax. "lanplus=1" is. A bug is reported to this effect.

I hope this helps!

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