On 09/14/2015 05:20 AM, Markus Stockhausen wrote:

somehow I got lost about the possibility to do a live storage migration.
We are using OVirt 3.5.4 + FC20 Nodes (virt-preview - qemu 2.1.3)

 From the WebUI I have the following possibilites:

1) disk without snapshot: VMs tab -> Disks -> Move: Button is active
but it does not allow to do a migration. No selectable storage domain
although we have 2 NFS systems. Gives warning hints about
"you are doing live migration, bla bla, ..."

2) disk with snapshot: VMs tab -> Disk -> Move: Button greyed out

3) BUT! Disks tab -> Move: Works! No hints about "live migration"
I do not dare to click go ...

While 1/2 might be consistent they do not match to 3. Maybe someone
can give a hint what should work, what not and where me might have
an error.

Hi Markus,

Is this still relevant?  If so...

Live storage migration requires the following (from the code that determines if the "Move" buttons in 1/2 above are greyed or not):

 - cluster and dc version must be at least 3.2
 - vm must be stateful and up or paused
 - disk to migrate must be the active layer (ie not a snapshot)
 - disk images must be 'OK'

Is it possible one of these changed for the VM(s) in question?




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