Sorry, I meant to send this reply to the list earlier, but I accidentally replied to just Joop.

Hi Joop,

Thanks for your reply.

On 25/09/2015 11:23 PM, Joop van de Wege wrote:
> You will need vdsm-nestedvt installed on all your hosts. It will pass through the vtx vtd bits from the hypervisor to the guest. > You will need a relatively new kernel for this. Centos7 or Centos6+elrepo 3x kernel or Fedora.

I am running on CentOS 7. I installed vdsm-hook-nestedvt and restarted vdsmd on my host. When I look on the "Host Hooks" tab of my Host's properties, I see the following:

before_vm_start     50_nestedvt

So it appears to have installed correctly. I fired up my Server 2008R2 guest and tried installing the Hyper-V role, but it still gives me the message about needing a CPU that supports hardware virtualization enabled in the BIOS.

The CPU family I am using is SandyBridge, if that makes any difference.

Is there something else I need to enable?


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