Hello oVirt guru out there:

I notice our oVirt engine postgres db size is growing quite fast for past 
couple of months.  I checked the database size.  Found that our 
ovirt_engine_history is 73GB in size.

engine=# \connect ovirt_engine_history
You are now connected to database "ovirt_engine_history" as user "postgres".
ovirt_engine_history=# SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_database_size( 
current_database() ) ) As human_size
   , pg_database_size( current_database() ) As raw_size;
human_size |  raw_size
73 GB      | 78444213368
(1 row)

Brief check the records, there are entries dated back 2014.

I want to see if there is a safe way to archive and remove some of the older 


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