On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Roman Mohr <rm...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi Styve,
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:10 PM, jaumotte, styve <
> s.jaumo...@maine-et-loire.fr> wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> After testing some features on 3.5, we are planning to finaly go to 3.6.
>> Some problems still exist.
>> A major problem still remain on the « Highly Available » option on vm
>> wich doesn’t work. I had a cluster with 4 engines and a simple vm. When I
>> start a poweroff from the node where this vm is living, the node is
>> shutting down but my vm doesn’t restart on another node of the cluster.
> Do you have a fencing agent configured for your host? It is configureable
> under 'Edit Host'->'Power Management'. If there is no fencing agent
> configured, the engine can not make sure that the host is really off when
> it is non responsive. To avoid disk corruptions without a fencing agent, it
> does nothing. You can find more about HA here [1]. About fencing here [2].
> The power managment of all the node are correctly configure.
Oh I missed that. When that is configured correctly, as @Simone already
said, the logs would be great.

> The HA feature of then hosted-engine is working well (except it is very
>> long).
> Glad to hear that this is working. Regarding the (sometimes long)
> downtimes, you can find some numbers here [3].
>> Another problem consist of passing usb host device to the virtual
>> machine. We’ve got some specials usb keys for activating old application
>> and we need to attach this key to vm. At first, I try with standard usb
>> mass storage key to test this approach. I can’t start virtual machine when
>> I add usb device, I always have the message « The host … did not satisfy
>> internal filter HostDevice because it does not support host device
>> passthrough ». Have any idea where I can find an HowTo to help me ?
>> Tanks for your help,
>> SJ
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> Best regards,
> Roman
> [1]
> http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Administration_Guide#.E2.81.A0Improving_Uptime_with_Virtual_Machine_High_Availability
> <http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Administration_Guide#%E2%81%A0Improving_Uptime_with_Virtual_Machine_High_Availability>
> <http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Administration_Guide#%E2%81%A0Improving_Uptime_with_Virtual_Machine_High_Availability>[2]
> http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_Administration_Guide#Host_Resilience
> [3]
> http://www.ovirt.org/Hosted_Engine_Howto#What_is_the_expected_downtime_in_case_of_Datacenter_.2F_Host_.2F_VM_failure.3F
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