You will need to install the guest agent on the VM.

Yaniv Dary
Technical Product Manager
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
34 Jerusalem Road
Building A, 4th floor
Ra'anana, Israel 4350109

Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
IRC : ydary

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 2:00 AM, Marc Seward <> wrote:

> I'm generating network activity on a RHEV 3.5 VM using iperf.The VM acts
> as an iperf client.On the client,iperf reports that data has been
> successfully sent to iperf server.The iperf server also shows that it's
> successfully receiving data from the iperf client.But,network is at 0% on
> the RHEV-M UI.The client and server are on different private networks.
> On the same VM,when I generate network activity by fetching a file from a
> public network using wget,the network column correctly shows activity on
> the RHEV-M UI for the VM.
> Could someone help me understand why I am unable to see network activity
> on the RHEV-M UI when iperf is used?
> Appreciate your help.TIA.
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