Here's a short guide for people having trouble setting up Hosted-Engine using 
only Ovirt Nodes.   Anything to do with ' jenkins' OVA did not work for me, 
size mismatch, etc.

Anytime I tried to deploy the Hosted-Engine via the Node TUI, I was not 
prompted to adjust the amount of RAM the Hosted-Engine VM takes.  (default 
16GB).   After the deploy setup, the Hosted-Engine VM would not boot.

When using a regular Ovirt host to deploy the Hosted-Engine, I was prompted to 
adjust the RAM for the Hosted Engine!

Solution  :
Install ovirt-engine RPMs on "host1".
Install ovirt-hosted-engine-appliance RPM. Copy its OVA from 
/usr/share/ovirt-engine-appliance/  to your webserver
Run hosted-engine -deploy from "host1".  Adjust the RAM to 4096.
Run the Hosted-Engine deploy from Node.  Let it SCP the config from "host1"
Reboot Host1 as make it another Node.

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