On 05/03/16 02:23, "Nir Soffer" <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:

>On Sat, Mar 5, 2016 at 12:19 AM, Pavel Gashev <p...@acronis.com> wrote:
>> I think it's hard to calculate the additional space for cow format without 
>> analysing raw image. It's better to allocate enough space, and then decrease 
>> it after qemu-img convert.
>We use 10% as a rough estimate for additional space when converting
>from raw to qcow format. Sure it will waste some space, but it is good
>How to you plan to check the used size on the destination lv?

"qemu-img check" reports image end offset. Also it has --output=json option.

# qemu-img check --output=json 
    "image-end-offset": 14648672256,
    "total-clusters": 524288,
    "check-errors": 0,
    "allocated-clusters": 223439,
    "format": "qcow2",
    "fragmented-clusters": 6

>> Please note that while disk moving keeps disk format, disk copying changes 
>> format. So when you copy a thin provisioned disk to iSCSI storage it's being 
>> converted to cow. The issue is that size of converted lv still looks like 
>> preallocated. You can decrease it manually via lvchange, or you can move it 
>> to a file based storage and back. Moving disks keeps disk format, but fixes 
>> its size.
>Yes, this seems to be the way to work around this issue currently:
>1. Copy to the disk to block storage - will convert it to qcow format
>on preallocated lv
>2. Move disk from block storage to file storage
>3. Move disk back to block storage

Yes. This is how I've moved my stuff from M$ NFS to iSCSI. Note this works well 
since 3.6.3 only, see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1304405

>> Also please consider qcow compat=1.1 as default disk format both for file 
>> and block storages.
>This will make your disk incompatible with old ovirt versions on el6.
>In storage domain format v3
>we are using comapt=0.10.
>We plan to move to compat=1.1 in 4.0.

Too long to wait :) Currently it's hardcoded. It would be great, if it was 
configurable via /etc/vdsm/vdsm.conf at least. It would allow early adopt 
compat=1.1 in el7 environments.

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