I'm trying to the use the API to reinstall an hosts.

But if a post the following content :
POST /api/hosts/XXXXX/install

> <action>
>     <host>
>         <override_iptables>false</override_iptables>
>     </host>
>     <ssh>
>         <port>22</port>
>         <fingerprint>SHA256:XXXX</fingerprint>
>         <authentication_method>publickey</authentication_method>
>     </ssh>
> </action>

I get the error :
[Cannot edit Host. Power Management is enabled for Host but no Agent type 

But the agent was set when I created the host, the GUI don't ask for power 
management informations when reinstalling the hosts and when I look the the 
rsdl ( at https://ovirt/api?rsdl), the agent type was not required.

So what's wrong with the install command and that is not in the rsdl ?

I'm using ovirt-engine

The rsdl for install that I got :

<link href="/api/hosts/{host:id}/install" rel="install">
        install vdsm and other packages required to get the host ready to be 
used in the engine
            <header required="false">
                <value>any string</value>
            <header required="true">
                <parameter required="false" type="xs:boolean" context="matrix">
                    install vdsm and other packages required to get the host 
ready to be used in the engine providing the ssh password
                <parameter required="false" type="xs:int">
                <parameter required="false" type="xs:string">
                <parameter required="false" type="xs:string">
                <parameter required="false" type="xs:string">
                <parameter required="false" type="xs:string">
                <parameter required="false" type="xs:string">
                <parameter required="false" type="xs:boolean">
                <parameter required="false" type="xs:boolean">
                <parameter required="false" type="xs:long">

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